
Current Coaching Offers:

Complimentary 30 min. phone evaluation available for all new clients. Find out how coaching would be beneficial for any relationship in your life- individuals, couples, business associates, parent/child, sibling, etc. Let’s meet and see if we might be a good fit!

Pressing issue?

Send Alison a brief inquiry about your issue or challenge and receive a 2-3 paragraph response. Text or call Alison at 978-807-5686 if you do not receive a response within 72 hours. Fee $100.

Finding it challenging to maneuver your relationships? Check out this article  “The Relationship River”


Coaching for Individuals, Couples and Families

Coaching is not just used for dealing with problems, but also about creating the relationships of your dreams. However, a myriad of “coachable” issues may arise in relationships regarding communication, respect, trust and simply varying personality traits.

Rather than choosing to ignore or avoid emotional tension, anger, conflict or grief, coaching encourages us to work with these signals as a means to discover what is really trying to happen.

Compatibility and cohesiveness of a family or couple can be impacted by money issues, life -altering events such as marriage, births, adoption, illness, deaths of family members/friends, job changes, moves, mid- life crisis—just to name a few and coaching can bring clarity around the issues.

Couples will find coaching very helpful in dealing with sexuality, intimacy, parenting and setting priorities, care of home/pets/kids/ageing parents, setting boundaries, health and well- being.

Everyone in the family can benefit from coaching be it a couple, parents and children, siblings, extended families and blended families. The most important and often most challenging relationship is the one we have with our self and coaching is extremely helpful for working through any personal issue and creating a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Team Coaching for Businesses and Organizations

The Forward Bound Consulting, LLC approach to Team Coaching for businesses, non-profits or other groups is extremely customized. We offer a complimentary 45 min. call with a representative from the business or organization to determine the depth of intake information required for assessment and the content and framework of actual coaching will be tailored to meet the team’s needs.

Coaching in organizations and businesses is very results oriented. We look to improve leadership, competency and performance. When underlying issues are revealed and dealt with head on, it will have a positive impact on productivity.

Many co-workers work in “bubbles”, aware only of their own roles and feeling isolated from the big picture and therefore, detached. Coaching creates connection.

Growing pains are inevitable when a company goes through organizational changes. Coaching addresses workplace tension, hierarchy, trust issues and cultural barriers in a safe and supportive setting. For change and growth to be easier and more fulfilling, coaches encourage and help manifest team building and a higher level of personal investment.

Individual Leadership Coaching

Not everyone in a position of power has the leadership skills it takes to lead a team with strength, authenticity, humility and grace. Just because someone lands the job does not mean they have the skillset it takes to prevent it from being overwhelming or avoid creating a “power over” instead of a “power with” environment.

It can be lonely at the top and co-workers often forget to offer words of affirmation or show appreciation to the “boss”. Toxic behaviors in the workplace tend to flow from the top down. Similarly, huge shifts into a healthier model can happen when leaders learn how to do things better. Forward Bound Consulting, LLC offers individual and group training tailored to the company and/or personal needs.